Mississippi Motorcycle Helmet Laws 2022 – Up to Date Info & Guide

On this page, we address the current legalities of motorcycle riding without a helmet in Mississippi.

Current status on Helmet Law in Mississippi

Helmets are mandatory for all motorcycle riders and passengers in Mississippi. This law applies to all operators, without any exception whatsoever.

Questions & Answers on Mississippi Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Is it legal in Mississippi to ride a motorcycle without a helmet?

According to Section 63-7-64, it is illegal to ride motorcycles without helmets in Mississippi. The universal helmet law aims to make the use of helmets mandatory while operating a bike and has so far achieved success in saving countless lives of the state dwellers.

Is Mississippi a mandatory helmet State?

Yes, Mississippi is a mandatory helmet law state, one amongst the many that are now cropping up on the map.

Are half helmets legal in Nevada?

Yes, half helmets are legal in Mississippi, but only if they are DOT approved. Any other type of helmet might be unsafe in crashes and make you pay more than just money.

When did Mississippi pass the helmet law?

Mississippi passed helmet laws in 1974 to protect the young riders of the state.

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