Maryland Motorcycle Helmet Laws 2022 – Up to Date Info & Guide

On this page, we address the current legalities of motorcycle riding without a helmet in Maryland.

Current status on Helmet Law in Maryland

All bicycle and motorcycle riders and passengers must wear helmets at all times while operating or riding motorcycles within state lines.

Questions & Answers on Maryland Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Is it legal in Maryland to ride a motorcycle without a helmet?

According to Section 21-1306 of the Transportation Article of MD Code, it is illegal to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. This law applies to all bikers (operators and passengers alike) without exceptions.

Is Maryland a mandatory helmet State?

Yes, Maryland is a universal helmet law state. The law has been in place for quite some time now and has helped save numerous lives.

Are half helmets legal in Maryland?

Yes, half helmets are legal in Maryland, but only if they are DOT approved. Unapproved helmets are illegal, and will not be of any help in case of crashes or accidents.

When did Maryland pass the helmet law?

Maryland passed the helmet laws in 1992 to protect the young riders of the state.

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