Arizona Motorcycle Helmet Laws 2022 – Up to Date Info & Guide

On this page, we address the current legalities of motorcycle riding without a helmet in Arizona.

Current status on Helmet Law in Arizona

Under Arizona State Law, only motorcycle operators and passengers under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet.

Questions & Answers on Arizona Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Is it legal in Arizona to ride a motorcycle without a helmet?

According to ARS 28-964, all motorcycle drivers and passengers below the age of 18 must wear helmets. 

Is Arizona a mandatory helmet State?

No. Helmets are only mandatory for young (below 18) riders and passengers.

Are half helmets legal in Arizona?

Yes, half helmets are legal in Arizona, but only if they are DOT approved.

When did Arizona pass the helmet law?

Arizona passed the helmet laws in 1976 to protect the younger-aged drivers of the state.