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best rectifier

What does a rectifier do on a motorcycle?

If you’ve been tinkering around with your motorcycle’s battery or trying to do some home repairs, you’ve likely come across the term ‘rectifier’. The rectifier is an extremely important battery component. Lots of battery issues stem from a malfunctioning rectifier…

Can Aftermarket Exhaust Damage Engine on Motorcycle?

Lots of motorcyclists choose aftermarket exhausts to maximize their bike’s performance. It’s true: getting a specially designed aftermarket exhaust manifold can get maximum horsepower and RPMs from your bike’s engine. Customization and modification always open up a huge array of…

How to start a Harley without a key?

Losing your bike’s key is not as rare as you might think. Bikers lose their keys, and at some point, you might be in such a situation.  However, if you own a Harley, you do not need to panic as…

How to make my 250cc motorcycle faster

Once you become accustomed to the top speed of your 250cc motorcycle, the desire to make it go even faster becomes uncontrollable. Also, when the bike becomes slower with time, you have to find some modifications to make it fast…

Bad Stator Symptoms – Signs of a bad Stator

A motorcycle stator is one of the most critical components of your motorcycle, and it belongs to the “electrical system” of your bike. But most of the experienced riders cannot describe the functioning of a stator as nobody wants to…

What weight is ATF fluid?

The weight of ATF fluid will vary by the manufacturer, as there is no set standard weight of ATF fluid. The most common Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) in North America is SAE J1703, which specifies an overall kinematic viscosity range…

Will a Motorcycle Start with a Bad Rectifier?

The answer to this question is both complex and straightforward. In essential terms, a motorcycle won’t be able to start with a bad rectifier—that’s it. But the actual question is: Why would a motorcycle not be able to start with…

Are motorcycles faster than cars?

At first glance, this can appear to be a silly question. I mean, obviously, motorcycles are faster than cars, aren’t they? However, turns out, the answer is not relatively as straightforward as it might seem. There are many prejudices that…

4 Motorcycles Similar to Ducati Monster

The best way to know the actual performance of a motorcycle is by riding one. The specs may look good on paper, sure, but the actual performance of the bike matters more than the theoretical postulates. So recently, I had…

How hot does a motorcycle exhaust get?

We know that combustion-based bikes release fumes and gases via the exhaust. And these gases are hot. But how hot are they? Can it light a cigar? Or maybe a match? Or perhaps it can warm up my lunch? Let…

When to Shift Gears on a Motorcycle

While learning the technique of how to shift on a motorcycle is important, it is also critical to know when to shift gears. With more experience, riders develop a solid intuition as to when they need to shift gears. While there…

Motorcycle Boots for Short Riders (+ Top List)

If you have a short or average height like me, riding bikes becomes naturally challenging for you. Motorcycles are heavy machines and demand sufficient height from the rider to maintain the required stability. Also, their high seats make it impossible…


How To Shift Gears On A Motorcycle

One of the most challenging aspects of motorcycling is learning how to shift gears on a motorcycle. While most modern-day cars come equipped with automatic gearboxes, the majority of motorcycles still function on a manual transmission. This means you cannot rely…


How to Winterize your Motorcycle

Ordinary touring motorcycles do not have an elaborate mechanism to prevent damages during winters. Consequently, riders who own motorcycles in areas where the winters are extremely harsh, prefer storing the motorcycle for the whole season. However, whether you want to…


How Old Do You Have to Be to Ride a Motorcycle?

Most of us are motorcycle lovers and there’s no denying it! From road racing, ascents, motocross to drag racing, you probably would’ve watched the motorcycles go vroom-vroom umpteen times. More than a machine, motorcycles have become an emotion. We’ve seen…


How to Sell a Motorcycle

It is difficult to part with your beloved motorcycle after having owned it for a long time. However, to get something, you have to lose something. Similarly, to get a new bike, sometimes, you need to let the old one…


How To Get A Motorcycle Permit?

The crucial thing that allows one to learn or practice riding a motorcycle on the road is a motorcycle permit. On the other hand, a driving license allows a person to drive and also carry passengers. This article answers the…


How To Transport A Motorcycle

The most obvious way of moving a motorcycle is to ride it yourself. However, when you want to send the motorcycle to the other side of the country, or there is a sudden breakdown, this option gets ruled out completely.…


How To Charge A Motorcycle Battery

Charging The Soul Of The Motorcycle We know you take care of the motorcycle like it’s your baby, however, sometimes it does need a little bit of recharge. After all, it runs on an engine. You always want the best…


How To Tie Down A Motorcycle

If we’re ever given the choice of transporting a motorcycle or riding it to our destination, then we would always choose the latter. Even if it means crossing a timezone. However, under certain circumstances, you might have to transport it…


Learning How To Balance A Motorcycle Tire

Riding a motorcycle is one of the best adventures in life. The independence, adrenaline rush, and the surroundings are all that it takes to experience that one perfect ride. In short, motorcycle riding is the bond between you and your…